Below is the function to get the logged on user using WMI in
This function checks for the process explorer.exe and then gets the owner of the process. explorer.exe will be actively running for the user who is currently logged on. Please remember that this WMI query might take cpu upto 3%
This function checks for the process explorer.exe and then gets the owner of the process. explorer.exe will be actively running for the user who is currently logged on. Please remember that this WMI query might take cpu upto 3%
Function GetUserName() As String
Dim moReturn As Management.ManagementObjectCollection
Dim moSearch As Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
Dim mo As Management.ManagementObject
'This scrolls through all the running processes on the PC to determine who is running the "explorer.exe" process. It then returns the username ready for comparison.
moSearch = New Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Process")
moReturn = moSearch.Get
For Each mo In moReturn
Dim arOwner(2) As String
mo.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", arOwner)
Dim strOut As String
strOut = String.Format("{0} Owner {1} Domain {2}", mo("Name"), arOwner(0), arOwner(1))
If (mo("Name") = "explorer.exe") Then
strCurrentUser = String.Format("{0}", arOwner(0))
End If
End Function